Computer Science Courses: Featured Courses

At a Glance

Program Type
Online Courses by 3rd-Party Providers
Delivery Method
Field of Interest
Computer Science
Online Courses
Certificate Courses
Days of Week
Flexible Schedule
Total Units

A man looking at computer code on a monitor while picking up a pizza slice

Java Programmer

Taking an introductory approach, this Java training course covers most Java syntax elements, concentrating on fundamental and universally useful elements, while providing an overview of many more advanced elements. 

A lady typing at a computer keyboard

Java Programmer + Python Developer

Whether you're new to programming or just want to learn new languages, this in-depth course will teach you the ins and outs of Python and Java programming.

A padlock on a gate

Security Awareness Training

Our Security Awareness Training covers how to address common security challenges like phishing attacks, remote staff security, password protection, mobile device use, social media usage, and response and recovery plans.


A reflection of a man typing on a keyboard on a computer screen

Certificate in Cybersecurity

As the amount of data being stored continues to increase, and as hackers become more sophisticated, the need for cybersecurity is greater than ever.

A lady working on wireframes on a laptop with her cellphone to the left and a cup of coffee and notepad on her right

Web Applications Developer

This course will give you the knowledge you need to create dynamic database-driven websites using the latest technologies.