Contract Credit/Extension Courses: About

At a Glance

Program Type
Single Course
Spring, Summer, Fall
Delivery Method
Field of Interest
Contract Credit
Days of Week
Flexible Schedule
One semester or less
Total Units
Varies by course

Contract Credit

If your organization offers professional development courses, programs, or conferences, consider offering extra value to your students with transcripted credit through SSU's Contract Credit program. The primary purpose of the Continuing Education units (CEU) is to provide a permanent record of the educational accomplishments of an individual who has completed significant non-credit educational and career enhancement experiences.

The CEU is a nationally recognized unit of measurement for any of a variety of programs that may apply to relicensure (e.g., nurses, pharmacists, accountants), promotion, or career advancement. These units are not approved for academic degree credit, but may be applicable toward salary increments for teachers and other educators. These vary among school districts.

Extension Courses

Every spring, summer, and fall, Extended Education offers Extension Courses for academic credit and professional enrichment. Extension courses are one way SSU offers university level academic credit resources to the wider community. The courses offer either academic credits, CEUs, or both.