Nonprofit Management Certificate: Syllabus

Explore the fundamentals of nonprofit management over 10 weeks in this online (Zoom) course. Led by seasoned nonprofit professionals, you'll delve into nine key components of nonprofit organizations. Through real-life examples, case studies, and interactive learning, you'll develop foundational skills and gain insights into the nonprofit sector.

Employees sitting at a conference table Photo by
Christina at Unsplash

The topics for spring 2025 are:


Week Instructor Session
1 Eleanor Smith Intro to Nonprofits
2 Eleanor Smith Program Development
3 Gayle Roberts Boards & Governance
4 Lorianne Lee Human Resources
5 Melissa Perez Fundraising Overview 
6 Judy Kunofsky Grantwriting
7 Marty Low Nonprofit Finance & Accounting
8 Tim Mooney Legal Issues
9 Corey Newhouse Program Evaluation
10 Eleanor Smith Leadership Essentials


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Increase your confidence about critical nonprofit management trends and important challenges.
  • Acquire foundational knowledge and basic skills in nine aspects of nonprofit management.
  • Receive practical advice and real-world insights from experienced nonprofit professionals.
  • Understand sector-specific vocabulary.
  • Be able to explore further specific topics in the many recommended resources instructors provide.

Course Requirements and Certificate

  • No prerequisites, assignments, quizzes, or exams.
  • To receive a certificate, you must participate in at least eight of the ten required live online sessions (Weeks 1-10).
  • No credit/certificate if more than two sessions are missed.
  • You may miss one session without a makeup assignment.
  • For the second missed session, complete a short assignment by reviewing the class recording and answering questions.
  • You must also complete short mid-course and end-course surveys. All sessions are recorded for on-demand review.

Please let Eleanor know in advance, if possible, if you will miss a session. If you miss two sessions without making up one, you will NOT receive credit or your certificate.

Career Applicability

Two women looking at a Macbook Photo by Christina at Unsplash

Students will gain understanding of the nonprofit sector as a whole, along with the key elements involved in managing and working in a nonprofit. From instructors and other students, students will gain a broader perspective of the array of skills sets and the numerous associated occupations in the sector. For those transitioning from the for-profit or public sector, opportunities to practice transferring existing skills will be offered. Substantial resources will be provided for students seeking further learning in any of the subjects covered.