Drops & Refunds
Drop/Refund Policy
Please familiarize yourself with the regulations that govern refunds and withdrawals from Extended Education. Students must officially request refunds by completing and signing a Class Add/Drop Request form at Extended Education. To drop by phone, call 707-664-2394. Requests for refunds of fees are accepted only during the current session. The effective date of a refund request is the day the completed Class Add/Drop Request Form is received by the Extended Ed.
If you drop a course which has not been canceled and apply for a refund, a portion of the fee is refunded according to the following schedules:
Program | Drop/Refund Policy |
Osher Life Long Learning Institute (OLLI) and EXCEL |
Professional Development Non-Credit CEU Courses |
Open University |
Summer Session & Winter Intersession |
Late Drops for Serious and Compelling Reasons
After the last day to drop you will need "serious and compelling" reasons.
Serious and compelling reasons include (but are not limited to):
- An extended absence due to a verifiable accident, illness, or personal problem serious enough to cause withdrawal from the university;
- An extended absence due to a death in the immediate family;
- A necessary change in employment status which interferes with the student's ability to attend class. This change in employment status must be verified in writing by the students employer.
The following situations would not fall under the intent of "serious and compelling":
- Failure to attend class, complete assignments, or take a test;
- Dissatisfaction with course material, instructional method, or instructor;
- Class is harder than expected;
- Pressure of other classes, participation in social activities, or simple lack of motivation;
- Change of major.