Extended Education Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Charge
The Extended Education Curriculum Committee reviews and makes recommendations for policies, proposals, courses, and programs that are under the purview of Extended Education. The charge of the committee as prescribed by Senate policy 2014-1, shall include but not be limited to:
- Determine the format and required information for all new program and course proposals.
- Discuss and recommend approval or disapproval of all Extended Education-related proposals, including but not limited to course proposals, program changes, addition and deletion of courses and programs, program review, and general policies with impact on instruction and learning. Proposals are reviewed for appropriate content, quality, and instructor qualifications. The purpose of the proposal review process is to:
- assess duplication of existing courses/programs in the stateside offerings;
- ensure curricular review and offerings in academic unit;
- assess resources available to sustain program; and
- assess merit and alignment to both the academic mission of SSU and the mission of Extended Education.
- Reassign proposals for further review by the appropriate department or school curriculum committee. Please see the curriculum review flowchart for more details.
- Support collaborative initiatives across Sonoma State University and with community partners in our service area.
Voting Members:
- One Extended Education staff member (appointed by the Extended Ed. dean)
- Committee Chair elected annually at the first meeting of the fall term.
- One faculty member, elected for a three-year term, from the schools of Arts and Humanities, Business and Economics, Education, Science and Technology, Social Sciences, and the Library. It is recommended that faculty members have experience with or interest in programs currently offered within Extended Education.
- Dean, Extended Education
- Director of Academic Programs, Extended Education
- Director of Professional Development & International Programs, Extended Education
Extended Education Curriculum Committee

Chair, Education

Voting Member, Science and Technology

Voting Member, Extended Education

Voting Member, Arts & Humanities

Voting Member, Business & Economics

Voting Member, Social Sciences

Voting Member, School of Business and Extended Education

Voting Member, Library
Academic Year Meeting Dates
The Extended Education Curriculum Committee meetings are generally held via Zoom from 10:00-11:30am on the second Friday of each month. The fall 2024 schedule will be posted once we near the fall semester!