Resources for Students

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General Information

Audit Policy

Courses offered through the Extended Education cannot be audited.

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Canceled Courses

Full refunds are issued for courses canceled for any reason.

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Credit Card Service Fee

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Extended Education has temporarily waived the 2.65% credit card service fee effective November 1, 2017. This fee is subject to change without notice.

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Credit Information

Courses listed in this catalog offer four types of credit to meet your academic needs:

  • Special Sessions academic credit is completely transferable and may be applied toward most degree requirements (excluding residency requirements) at SSU or other CSU campuses.
  • Extension Academic Credit: You may apply up to 24 units of Extension credit toward a baccalaureate degree and up to nine units toward a Master's degree, subject to SSU academic department approval. Students should consult other colleges directly for their Extended Education credit policy.
  • CEU credit: "Continuing Education Units" are offered for various professional development courses and are designated "800" (e.g. PSY 800). CEUs are used when employers, relicensure agencies, school districts and other authorities require a specified number of hours of noncredit study for career advancement. You are awarded one CEU for each 10 hours of class participation. CEUs are not accepted for academic credit and do not apply toward degree programs or meet teaching credential requirements.
    Note: 100% attendance is required; no partial credit for continuing education courses is given.
  • Noncredit: Courses with a department number of "NC" (e.g. PSY NC) are available for general interest but do not award academic or continuing education units. These courses are intended for personal enrichment. You will not receive a grade report or verification of course completion.

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Credit for Professional Relicensure/CE Provider
  • Nurses: SSU is approved as a Provider of Continuing Education for nurses by the California Board of Registered Nursing, #CEP16694 (valid until 12/31/2021).

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Debts Owed to the University

Extended Education does not accept registration from students with financial obligations to the University. To assure acceptance of registration, please clear all University obligations prior to registration.

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Dishonored Checks

Dishonored Check or Credit Card Fee (Returned for any reason) is $20.

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Students who are disqualified from the University for academic or administrative reasons, and students who have applied for admission to SSU and whose admission has been denied, are not eligible to enroll in Extended Education academic courses (i.e., special sessions, Open University and extension academic credit). If students register and their status is found to be disqualified, there will be no refund of fees and no exceptions to this regulation.

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Fee Subsidies

Students whose fees are to be paid by an agency please file an agency authorization with Extended Education, or submit one with the registration form.

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Financial Aid

State and Federal financial aid may be available to Extension students who are concurrently enrolled in a degree program. Undergraduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of six units; Graduate students must be enrolled for a minimum of four units. Further information may be obtained by visiting the Financial Aid website at, or calling the Financial Aid Office at (707) 664-2389 between 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday.

California's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) was established in compliance with the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. The purpose of the ETPL is to provide customer-focused employment training for adults and dislocated workers. Qualified students wishing to enroll in the certificate programs offered through the School of Extended Education may be eligible under the provisions of the Act. For more information, contact the Local Workforce Investment Act Office nearest you. A list of offices may be found here.

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Licensure and Certification Disclosures

California State University programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student to meet California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the California State University and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time. The California State University has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students enrolled in a California State University program who are planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).

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Social Security Number Usage

Students are required to provide the University with their correct social security numbers (individual taxpayer identification numbers) pursuant to the authority contained in Section 41201, Title 5, California Code of Regulations, and Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Service requires the University to file information returns that include the student's social security number and other information such as the amount paid for qualified tuition, related expenses and interest on educational loans. That information is used to help determine whether a student, or a person claiming a student as a dependent, may take a credit or deduction to reduce federal income taxes. Students who do not have a social security number at the time of enrollment will be required to obtain a social security number and submit it to the University within 60 days. Failure to furnish a correct social security number may result in the imposition of a penalty by the Internal Revenue Service.

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