Please note that this SSU course is not specifically designed for preparation for these various professional certification exams, and the course does not include the certification exams, as registration is required for through SHRM or HRCI directly. However, we do align our course content with certain aspects of the SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge (BoCK) as well as the HRCI HR Body of Knowledge.
Yes, this course is based on PMI's knowledge principles and fulfills the required 35 hours of formal education in project management to apply and sit for the PMP exam. There are no prerequisites for the Sonoma State University Project Management Certification Course.
While this course focuses more on being a better, more effective project manager, part of the course's learning outcomes is dedicated to preparing you for the PMP exam.
Yes, this course is based on PMI's knowledge principles and fulfills the required 35 hours of formal education in project management to apply to and sit for the PMP exam. While this course is more about being a better, more effective project manager and not specifically a PMP exam prep course, I do commit a certain part of the course's learning modules to preparing for the PMP exam and what will be involved to prepare yourself for that event.
We will not be giving tests in this class, however there are online quizzes and resources affiliated with the text that students can use each week to assess their knowledge. This is highly recommended to ensure understanding of key concepts.