All courses will be online. Please be aware of the online definitions: Synchronous: set online time to meet, Asynchronous: complete classwork when it best suits you, and Bisynchronous: combination of both. The online modality of the course will vary by semester based on the course and the instructor.
Class Schedule
Classes will be scheduled weekday evenings and Saturdays to accommodate the needs of busy adults. Although, the majority of our business courses are held during weeknights.
Students in the Napa Valley and Solano programs may take University courses through Extended Education only during Summer and Winter Intersession. Such courses must be on the list approved for the major; a list of qualifying classes will be sent out by the Program Advisor. During the Fall and Spring semesters, registration in University courses is not allowed except under extraordinary circumstances.
For the Napa/Solano Program, courses are held at both the Napa Valley College campus on the Napa-Vallejo Highway and at the Solano Community College Vallejo Center on Columbus Parkway.
For the College of Marin Program, courses are held on their Indian Valley campus.
Classes are scheduled evenings, weekends, and online to accommodate the needs of busy adults.